BOR115_Alcohol Use on University Property Policy

Alcohol Use on University Property Policy BOR115 Board of Regents President/Board of Regents
24-SEP-2012 01 01-JUL-2024 BOR115_Alcohol Use on University Property PDF

The use of alcohol is prohibited on university property, except as authorized herein. For the purposes of this policy, the use of alcohol refers to the service and/or consumption of alcohol including, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages. This policy governs the use of alcohol on University property. It applies to students, student organizations, faculty, staff, University departments, and other entities and visitors. This policy applies to property owned, leased, or operated by the university, and to all events sponsored by the university or its sub-units. It does not apply to property owned by the university and leased to others, unless it would otherwise apply.

Western New Mexico University recognizes that alcohol abuse is a persistent social and health problem of major proportions in society. The university also recognizes that diversity of opinion and freedom of choice are the foundations of institutions of higher education, and that the use of alcoholic beverages, off of university property, by those of legal age is a matter of personal choice.


Use of alcohol on university property is prohibited, except as follows:

  1. Alcohol may be served and consumed at receptions or other social functions sponsored and/or approved by the University President in advance, in writing.  The following restrictions apply:
    1. Alcohol may be served and consumed in those locations on the campus for which a governmental liquor license has been issued.
    2. If the reception or social function is to take place at a location on campus for which a governmental liquor license has not been issued, a special dispenser’s permit must first be obtained.
    3. Private parties/events may take place on campus at a location for which a governmental liquor license has not been issued, upon approval of the University President. A private party is defined in the rules at NMAC EE as an event open only to invited guests and not open or advertised to the general public in which there is no financial consideration in exchange for alcoholic beverages. Private party does not include alcohol industry promotional events or other events with a commercial purpose.
  2. Alcohol may be served and consumed at the University President’s house by its residents and their invited guests at private parties.
  3. Nothing herein prohibits the use of alcohol for legitimate classroom, laboratory, teaching, research or medical purposes at WNMU.
  4. Where alcohol is served and consumed as permitted herein, university officials, or designee, shall supervise the function or event to assure that alcohol is not consumed excessively by any invitee and that licensing and permit requirements are addressed.
  5. Individuals who choose to use alcohol on university property, as permitted herein, must comply with state law and university policies and procedures, and conduct themselves responsibly, mindful of the rights of others.

State law governs many aspects of the consumption and serving of alcohol. All individuals who use alcohol on university property must comply with the applicable legal requirements.

The purchase of alcohol with state funds must be in compliance with all applicable state laws and university policies.

Promotional materials and advertisements for an approved event at which alcohol will be served or consumed must be approved in advance by the University President, or designee, in writing. Advertisements for a function or event to be scheduled on campus shall not emphasize the quantity of alcohol to be served at such function or event in order to encourage participation (e.g., number of kegs). Nothing herein will prevent promotional materials for approved events from mentioning that alcohol will be served, or that particular beverage vendors or beverage products will be available at the event.