PRES214_Visitor Code of Conduct Policy

Visitor Code of Conduct Policy PRES214 Board of Regents Office of the President/Campus Police
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 PRES214_Visitor Code of Conduct Policy PDF

To provide all visitors with clear information regarding conduct expectations at Western New Mexico University (WNMU).

WNMU visitors have rights under the federal and state laws, including First Amendment and due process rights. Although these rights are recognized, conduct which adversely affects WNMU’s commitment to educational success for our students, disrupts campus living, or interferes with the rights of others to pursue an education, perform the duties and responsibilities of their positions, and/or participate in WNMU activities is prohibited.

Visitors, employees, contractors, students, and/or university affiliates should report inappropriate or disruptive behavior to Campus Police.

Contractor/Subcontractor is any person performing professional services for WNMU through a contractual agreement other than employment.

Employee is any employed personnel classified as adjunct, faculty, or staff, regardless of the terms of employment.

Student is any person enrolled in a program, certificate, or educational activity independent of their full-time or part-time status. Student includes those enrolled in a dual enrollment program or individual classes.

Any person at any WNMU premises or WNMU activities including but not limited to parents, members of the community, invited guests, speakers, future or prospective students, and/or family members.

A university affiliate is any person who offers their services in an unpaid capacity.

WNMU Premises include but are not limited to its campuses, grounds, facilities, workplaces, and/or vehicles. Premises further include any activity held on WNMU campuses, grounds, and/or facilities. Premises do not include property owned by WNMU and leased to others, unless specifically indicated in the lease agreements.

WNMU Activities include sponsored or approved activities, events, or functions on or off WNMU premises where employees, student workers, contractors/subcontractors, and university affiliates are under the jurisdiction of WNMU, or during any period of time WNMU employees are supervising students on behalf of WNMU or are otherwise engaged in WNMU business.

Working days means Monday through Friday, excluding school holidays or WNMU closure periods. If the last day of the designated time period is a school holiday or WNMU closure period, the designated time period will run until the end of the next day that is not a school holiday or WNMU closure period.

WNMU encourages all visitors to (this list is not all inclusive):

  • Respect the opinions of others and engage in constructive discussion even when those opinions may differ from your own;
  • Be kind and considerate to one another at WNMU premises or WNMU activities;
  • Act in a manner that will help ensure a welcoming environment to our students, employees, and other visitors;
  • Be mindful not to disrupt classes, workshops, events, or WNMU activities;
  • Refrain from using slurs or derogatory language of any kind, and from engaging in unacceptable behaviors such as verbal and physical harassment;
  • Follow directives and guidance regarding safety and security from employees and/or Campus Police;
  • Refrain from interfering with the freedom of expression, movement, or activity of others;
  • Follow instructions to leave WNMU premises when requested to do so by an employee or Campus Police Officer;
  • Follow posted signs for restricted areas, hours of operations and closures, and restricted behavior; and
  • Follow all federal and state laws and WNMU policies while on WNMU premises or at WNMU activities.

Any person who violates the Visitor Code of Conduct may be subject to warning, denial of future WNMU employment opportunities or admission to our programs, school/colleges, or training opportunities, removal from campus, arrest, or a no-trespass order for a set time or permanently from WNMU premises or activities.

A visitor who would like to request an appeal for a warning, denial of future WNMU employment opportunities or admission to our programs, school/colleges, or training opportunities, removal from campus, arrest, or a no-trespass order for a set time or permanently from WNMU premises or activities will need to follow the below steps. Concerns, appeals, or complaints regarding discrimination or harassment need to be submitted following the process of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.

  1. Submit, in writing, an appeal providing the reasons for the appeal to the Office of the President within thirty (30) working days after the decision.
    1. Appeals can be submitted no more than once every five (5) years for permanent or longer than 5 years denial of future WNMU employment, admissions to our programs, school/colleges, or training opportunities, or permanent or longer than 5 years removal from campus.
  2. The WNMU President will review the appeal and any documentation provided, request additional information needed, and schedule meetings with the visitor or any other personnel relevant to the process within thirty (30) working days from the receipt of the appeal. This deadline may be extended depending on circumstances and meeting delays. The WNMU President will inform the visitor in writing of the decision. The decision of the WNMU President is final.