BA480_Procurement & Reimbursement Policy

Procurement & Reimbursement Policy BA480 Cabinet/President Purchasing/Materials and Resources
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 BA480_Procurement-and-Reimbursement-Policy WEB


The procurement and reimbursement policy is provided as a directive to all WNMU employees to ensure best practice and best value (price, quality, performance and service).


Policy Concerning Purchasing Supplies, Course Materials, Equipment Contractual Services, Software, Reimbursement for Social Activities Connected with Professional Recruitment and Solicitation of Support for the University.


Delegation of Authority:

The University’s CPO (Executive Director of Purchasing), by virtue of the position, has been delegated signature authority for the below matters.

The Purchasing Office is responsible for the control, development, and oversight of all University procurement activities. The Purchasing Office will act as the Central Purchasing Office in accordance with the State of New Mexico’s Procurement Code.

The Purchasing Office shall ensure all funds received regardless of their source, are spent and are in compliance with the following:

  • State of New Mexico Procurement Code
  • New Mexico Administrative Code
  • State of New Mexico Code of Ethics
  • Governor’s Conduct Act
  • Conflict of Interest
  • All other federal, state and local applicable rules and regulations

Roles & Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Purchasing Office are as follows:

  • Review and make final determination of supply sources, quantities purchased, and price negotiations;
  • Review and make final determination or approval of all purchases of tangible goods, services and construction are made at the lowest possible cost;
  • By virtue of the position has the full authority to question all procurement activities, request purpose, request further documentation, question materials and quality of materials and services requested;
  • Review and question requests that go beyond the University’s terms and conditions, consult with the General Counsel when applicable; and
  • Deny any purchase that is inconsistent with the University’s policies and procedures.
  1. In order to ensure compliance with all Federal and State laws and the New Mexico Procurement code Chapter 13; (13-1-21 through 13-6-4, NMSA 1978) all purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, contractual services and software for the University will be made by the CPO, Buyer or designee. All funds received, regardless of their source, are to be expended under the procedures set forth herein.
  2. The CPO, Buyer or designee has the sole authority for ordering supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services and software. No individual may make a purchase without the guarantee of payment with a purchase order or University Procurement p-card. Purchases made without the use of a purchase order or credit card as guarantee of payment will not be honored.
  3. The New Mexico State Procurement Code states that “Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase.”
  4. The purchase of personal items will not be allowed with Public Funds at any time. Examples include but are not limited to: refrigerator, fans, heaters, coffee pot, coffee, , cleaning supplies, Birthday cakes, decorations, employee gift items, gift cards of any type, etc.
  5. Purchase orders are required for the procurement of all contractual services, furniture, fixtures and equipment with a value of $1,000 or higher. Approved requisitions (request for purchase) are forwarded to Purchasing for processing. Purchasing will issue a purchase order or communicate issues within (5) working days of receipt of a completed and approved purchase requisition. Incomplete purchase requisitions will be returned to the department for corrections. If reimbursement is being requested, a completed purchase requisition with justification as to why university procurement methods were not utilized for the purchase.
  6. Professional recruitment, solicitation of support for the University and a limited number of social functions are necessary and fully justified activities for this institution; provision is hereby made for their financing and payment, as deemed appropriate by the President. Expenses of this nature which are not approved by these guidelines or as required in these guidelines will be referred to the appropriate Vice President, and/or President for disciplinary action.


  1. Allowable expenditures are those ordinary and necessary for items required to carry out the mission of the department, project or the University. Included are such items as supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services necessary for the classroom, office or for administrative purposes. (See II. A-K).
  2. The University accepts most, if not all, expenses for social activities in professional recruitment and solicitation of support for the University, provided that the relevant guidelines and procedures are followed. (See III. A & B). These items may be purchased with departmental funds at the discretion of the appropriate VP and/or President.


Chapter 13 (13-1-190 NMSA 1978) Unlawful employee participation prohibited:  It is unlawful for any state agency or local public body employee, as defined in the Procurement Code (Section 13-1-28 through 13-1- 199 NMSA 1978), to participate directly or indirectly in a procurement when the employee knows that the employee or any member of the employee’s immediate family has a financial interest in the business seeking or obtaining a contract


Please refer to SOP480_Procurement-and-Reimbursement-Procedures 2024