BA486_Travel Policy

Travel Policy BA486 Cabinet/President Business Affairs – Purchasing
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 BA486_Travel Policy PDF


The purpose of this travel policy for WNMU is to establish clear guidelines and procedures to ensure the safe, efficient, and responsible management of university-sponsored travel activities. Through the implementation of this policy, we strive to foster a culture of transparency, professionalism, and prudent stewardship of university resources in all aspects of travel planning, booking, reimbursement, and documentation.



1. Authority. By authority, all per diem, mileage and meal reimbursement rates are established by the Board of Regents of Western New Mexico University (“WNMU”).
2. Scope of Policy. WNMU’s Travel Policy governs the payment of per diem, mileage and meal reimbursements of approved travel expenses for all salaried and non-salaried public officers, employees and students of WNMU, and its branch campuses.


  1. “Attend” means the act of being present, either physically or through a virtual platform that is approved by the entity responsible for determining attendance;
  2. “Board of Regents” Pursuant to the Constitution of the State of New Mexico, and as provided by implementing legislation, the control and management of WNMU.
  3. “Board or committee meeting” means the formal convening of public officers who comprise a board, advisory board, commission, or committee even if no further business can take place because of the lack of a quorum.
  4. “Designee” means the [President, Vice President, department head, account manager].
  5. “Employee” means any person who receives a salary or wages from WNMU. This excludes work-study students and graduate assistants.
  6. “Governing board” means the Board of Regents of WNMU.
  7. “Home or legal residence” means primary residence to be the “main home” lived in for the majority of the year.
    1. For per diem purposes the area within a 50-mile radius of the place of legal residence.
  8. “Non-salaried public officer” means a public officer serving as a member of a board, advisory board, committee, or commission who is not entitled to compensation, but is entitled to payment of per diem rates and mileage.
  9. “Normal workday” means the hours between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, not to include holidays, for all salaried and non-salaried public officers, employee, and student of WNMU regardless of the officers’ or employees’ regular work schedule.
  10. “Occasionally and irregularly” means not on a regular basis and infrequently as determined by WNMU.
  11. “Out of state” means beyond the exterior boundaries of the State of New Mexico.
  12. “Per Diem” means a daily allowance for meals, overnight lodging, and certain other incidental expenses.
  13. “Public officer” means every elected or appointed officer of WNMU including, but not limited to:
    1. Officers of the judicial branch of state government, including judges;
    2. Officers of the legislative branch of state government, except legislators; and,
    3. All WNMU board, advisory board, committee, and commission members elected or appointed to a board, advisory board, committee, or commission specifically authorized by law or validly existing as an advisory committee.
  14. “Public post-secondary educational institution” designated in Chapter 12, Articles 13, 14, 16 and 17 NMSA 1978.
  15. “Supervisor” means the account manager or department head to whom a WNMU public officer or employee reports.
  16. “Travel” means for per diem reimbursement purposes, being on official business away from home as defined in Paragraph G above and at least 50 miles from the WNMU campus or location to which the public officer or employee is assigned. However, non-salaried public officers are eligible for per diem for attending meetings.
  17. “Travel voucher” means a payment voucher submitted for the purpose of claiming reimbursement for travel expenditures.
  18. “Western New Mexico University (WNMU)” means the main campus, branch campuses and off- campus centers of WNMU.


  1. REQUEST TO TRAVEL REQUIRED. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU must request permission prior to incurring any travel expenses either to be paid with personal funds or to be paid by WNMU to travel by, the Department Head or designee, VP or President. A complete itinerary will be required for each trip when applicable. Requests must bear the full FOAP and must be approved by the department head, account manager, VP and/or President or designee.
  2. All associated purchase requisitions for travel must be submitted along with the approved request to travel. Travel expenses that will be paid with a p card must be specified when requesting permission. Errors or incomplete travel request forms and purchase requisitions will be returned and will not receive final approval until all corrections have been made.
  3. PROCESSING.  The request to travel must be received with ample time to allow for the verification of funds, and processing. Once approved but not prior to can travel arrangements be made, to include conference registrations, airfare, rental, and lodging.
    1. Conference or registration fees may be processed with a purchase requisition or p card. Appropriate itemized receipts including dates and times must be submitted to Purchasing with the approved purchase requisition to be reviewed and sent to Accounts Payable for payment processing NET 30 days. Conference or registration expenses paid with a P Card require the itemized receipts including dates and times be uploaded with the appropriate p card transaction in the Bank of America (BofA) Works system. In cases where a purchase order or payment by p card is not feasible, fees may be reimbursed to the individual by requesting the out-of-pocket expense with the Travel Voucher upon completion of the trip. These fees will be charged against the department’s supplies and expense budget line item.
    2. Airfare is limited to economy. For flights exceeding ten hours or more and with President approval, a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU may be granted permission to purchase a business-class ticket and may be purchased with a p Appropriate itemized receipts including the breakdown of dates, times, taxes, and fees must be uploaded with the p card transaction in the BofA Works system and submitted with the BofA weekly report to the Accounts Payable Office. In cases where payment by p card is not feasible, fees may be reimbursed to the individual by requesting the out-of-pocket expenses on the Travel Voucher upon completion of the trip. Early bird check-in, preferred seating, additional insurances of any kind are not allowed and will be a reimbursable expense to WNMU. These expenses may be purchased with the Employees personal funds. Baggage fees must be avoided whenever possible; reasonable efforts must be made to minimize these expenses. Excess baggage fees will be required to be reimbursed by the Employee to WNMU.
    3. Lodging expenses may be processed with a p card. Employees must make every effort to stay in hotels which offer government rates and will not incur lodging expenses in excess of $275 per night daily rate, including taxes and fees. Employees who exceed the lodging per night rate must obtain prior approval of VP, President, or designee. Safety is a priority, in situations where safety or proximity is of concern, employees will be granted permission to stay at the conference hotel exceeding the daily per night lodging rate as long as the conference information (itinerary, registration, pamphlet etc.) references the name of the conference hotel. Determination and approval must be documented with the Travel Voucher and uploaded within the BofA Works system.  Actual reimbursement will be limited to the maximum allowance stated in Section 12. Non reimbursable or reimbursable expenses include but are not limited to, early check in, late check out, meals, room service, concession items (items sold at the front desk), alcohol or associated items, movies, valet parking, additional insurance or incidentals and will be reimbursable to WNMU within 10 working days.
    4. Meals may not be processed with a purchase order or paid with a p Meals are claimed on the Travel Voucher upon completion of the trip.
    5. Late requests to travel will be returned and will not be approved. However, upon a detailed written late justification from the public officer, employee, or student of WNMU and for good cause, the Department Head or designee, VP or President may grant an exception..
  4. FINAL APPROVAL.  Following the verification of funds and calculation of estimated cost, the travel request form will receive final approval from the Purchasing Office and an encumbrance will be generated with a purchase order.
  5. DISTRIBUTION. Upon final approval, a copy of the purchase order will be distributed to the department requesting the travel.
  6. CANCELLCATIONS. A department may cancel travel requests by submitting an email or memo including employee name, dates of travel, purchase order number and purpose for cancelation to the Purchasing Office.


  1. APPLICABILITY. Per diem rates shall be paid to a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU only in accordance with the provisions of this Section. Where lodging and/or meals are provided or paid for by WNMU, or another entity, the salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student is entitled to reimbursement only for actual expenses incurred in accordance with Section12.
  2. PER DIEM LIMITS. Salaried and non-salaried public officers, employees and students may elect to be reimbursed for actual lodging expenses not exceeding the daily room rate (including tax). Documentation of prior approval must be provided when lodging reservations exceed the current daily room rate. Failure to provide adequate documentation may result in delayed or no reimbursement.
  3. PER DIEM RATE COMPUTATION. Per diem rates for travel by a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU shall be computed as follows:
  4. OVERNIGHT TRAVEL. Regardless of the number of hours traveled, travel for salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU where overnight lodging is required shall be reimbursed at the rates indicated in Table 1.
  5. RETURN FROM OVERNIGHT TRAVEL. On the last day of travel when overnight lodging is no longer required, partial day reimbursement shall be made as indicated in Table 2.
  6. MEALS. When meals are provided the rate of per diem set forth in section 12 shall be reduced as indicated in Table 3. Meals provided must be listed on the Travel Voucher broken down by dates and the meal provided (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
  7. REIMBURSEMENT FROM FEDERAL FUNDS. WNMU’s governing board or its designee may authorize per diem for a public officer or employee who is reimbursed solely from federal funds in accordance with the rate allowed by the federal government for travel to that locality. Prior approval must be obtained by the Grant Office.
  8. RATE REDUCTION. WNMU’s governing board or its designee may initiate or approve a reduction in the rates of per diem and mileage set forth in this policy. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU may also request a reduction in rates dependent on budgetary restraints.
  9. BOARD, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Non-salaried public officers may receive per diem as follows:
  10. OFFICIAL BOARD, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Non-salaried public officers of WNMU may elect to receive the rates that are indicated in Table 4.
  11. OTHER OFFICIAL MEETINGS. Non-salaried public officers may receive per diem rates for travel on official business that does not constitute a board, advisory board, committee, or commission meeting only in accordance with Subsection B of this Section.
  12. DUAL CAPACITIES. Non-salaried public officers who also serve as public officers or employees of WNMU, state agencies or local public bodies may receive mileage or per diem rates from ONLY one public entity for any travel or meeting attended. Furthermore, non-salaried public officers who are also public officers or employees may not receive per diem rates for attending meetings held in the place of their home or at their designated posts of duty unless they are on leave from their positions as public officers or employees.
  13. TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT. Public officers and employees of WNMU may be reassigned temporarily to another duty station.
  14. ROUTINE REASSIGNMENT. Public officers and employees subject to periodic reassignment of duty stations as a normal requirement of their employment will not be eligible for per diem rates after the time of arrival at the new duty station unless the reassignment of duties requires the Employee to travel for WNMU related business.
  15. PER DIEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER LEAVE. While traveling, if a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU takes sick, annual or authorized leave without pay for more than four hours of the normal work day, per diem shall not be allowed for that day unless authorized in writing by the Department Head or designee, VP or President.
  16. ILLNESS OR EMERGENCY. Department Head or designee, VP or President may grant permission, in writing, to pay per diem rates and travel reimbursement to a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student who becomes ill or is notified of a family emergency while traveling on official business and must either remain away from home or discontinue the official business to return home.


  1. APPLICABILITY. Upon submission of appropriate receipts with an approved Travel Voucher, a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU will be reimbursed actual expenses as long as the expenses do not exceed the per diem rates set forth herein.
  2. OVERNIGHT TRAVEL. For overnight travel by a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU where overnight lodging is required, reimbursement will be as follows:
    1. ACTUAL REIMBURSEMENT FOR LODGING. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU may elect to be reimbursed actual expenses for lodging not exceeding the nightly rate including taxes and fees in lieu of the per diem rate set forth herein. In cases where two or more employees traveling together share a room, the employee incurring the expense will be reimbursed for the actual cost. Whenever possible, salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU should stay in hotels that offer government rates.
    2. ACTUAL REIMBURSEMENT FOR MEALS. Actual expenses for meals are limited to Table 3.


  1. Due to the mission of the department and length of time traveled, Recruiters and Assistant Coaches, with Department Head, VP and/or President or designee approval may request an advance of up to 80 percent of the estimated per diem and mileage costs based on the travelers approved purchase order.
  2. Request for travel advances must be submitted with ample time to allow for processing. Travel advances submitted after the fact will not be approved, unless for good cause, the Department Head or designee, VP or President may grant an exemption.
  3. Travel advance will not be processed for travel more than two weeks prior to travel.
  4. In the event a travel advance is processed, and the approved travel is canceled or changed, any or all excess advance payments must be refunded to WNMU within 10 working days from the date of cancellation or change of travel. Advances will not be allowed to roll or be used in conjunction with other travel.
  5. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU eligible for a travel advance is encouraged to submit a Travel Voucher promptly upon completion of travel to claim the remaining 20 percent travel reimbursement due; mileage and other reimbursable travel expenses associated with travel pertaining to in state or out of state, shall be made with a travel voucher. See section 9.


  1. APPLICABILITY. Mileage accrued in the use of a private conveyance shall be paid only in accordance with the provisions of this Section. Only one salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WMNU shall receive mileage for each mile traveled in single privately-owned vehicle or airplane when two or more public officers and/or employees travel in the same privately-owned vehicle or airplane.
  2. RATE. Salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU shall be reimbursed for mileage accrued in the use of a private automobile or aircraft in the discharge of official duties as indicated in Table 5.
  3. PRIVATELY OWNED AUTOMOBILE. For conveyance in the discharge of official duties by privately owned automobile in an excess of 50miles outside of the campus of WNMU, mileage accrued shall be reimbursed for miles driven at the rate set forth in this Section as follows:
    1. pursuant to the mileage chart of the most recent version of Google Maps for distances within and outside of New Mexico; or
    2. pursuant to actual mileage if the complete beginning and ending odometer readings are certified as true and correct by the traveler; and
      1. the destination is not included on the Google Maps site, or
      2. at the destination(s) salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU, is required to use the private conveyance in performance of official duties.
    3. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. salaried and non-salaried public officers, employees and student of WNMU who use a privately-owned automobile for conveyance in the discharge of official duties must sign a certification of personal insurance with the Travel Request form.
    4. PRIVATELY OWNED AIRPLANE. Mileage accrued in the use of a privately-owned airplane shall be reimbursed at the rate set forth in this Section as follows:
      1. pursuant to the New Mexico Aeronautical Chart published by the State Highway and Transportation Department, Aviation Division, for distances in New Mexico and other states’ air maps for distances outside or New Mexico; or
      2. pursuant to actual air mileage if certification is provided by the pilot, or a beginning and ending reading of actual mileage if the reading is certified as true and correct by the traveler, and the destination is not included on an air map.
    5. REIMBURSEMENT LIMIT FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. Total mileage reimbursement for out of state travel by privately owned automobile or privately-owned airplane shall not exceed the total coach class commercial airfare plus ground transportation fees that would have been reimbursed those traveling had they traveled by common carrier.
    6. ADDITIONAL MILEAGE. Mileage shall be reimbursed for travel on official business only. Department Head or designee, VP or President or its designee may authorize in writing reimbursement for mileage from a point of origin farther from the designated post of duty in appropriate circumstances. The written authorization must accompany the travel voucher. If official business is transacted while commuting from home to post of duty to home, mileage shall not be paid for the number of miles between post of duty and home. Odometer readings showing additional miles accrued for official business must be provided to WNMU prior to payment.


  1. USE OF WNMU VEHICLES. Department Head or designee, VP or President may authorize a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee or student of WNMU to use a WNMU vehicle for official WNMU business if the salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee or student has a current, valid license to operate a motor vehicle in the State of New Mexico and meets the criteria set forth in WNMU’s Motor Vehicle Use Policy. Departments will be charged 0.50 cents a mile for use of a WNMU car, 0.50 cents a mile for use of a WNMU mini-van, full size van or sports utility vehicle, and 1.00 a mile for use of a bus.
    1. Under circumstances where a public officer or employee cannot operate a university vehicle, a student who meets the criteria set forth in WNMU’s Motor Vehicle Use Policy may drive the vehicle as long the public officer or employee accompanies the student in the vehicle at all times.
  2. USE OF STATE AIRCRAFT. A member of the governing board may travel by state-owned aircraft to board or committee meetings. Passengers on such aircraft will be limited to members of the Board of Regents, WNMU employees, or those persons performing direct contractual services on behalf of WNMU. Family members of the governing board are not allowed to travel on state- owned aircraft. Use of state-owned aircraft will not be allowed where the meeting is held less than 150 miles from the member’s home or place of business or employment.
  3. UNSPECIFIED CONVEYANCE. When a salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU does not specify a means of conveyance, the Purchasing Office will assume that the public officer or employee will use his or her personal vehicle.


Public officers and employees of WNMU may be reimbursed for certain actual expenses in addition to lodging, meals, or mileage rates.

  1. Receipts Required. Receipts are required for all expenses regardless of cost. salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU may be reimbursed for the following expenses provided that itemized receipts for all such expenses are attached to the travel voucher:
    1. actual costs for travel by common carrier, provided such travel is accomplished in the most economical manner possible;
    2. rental cars and associated fuel or charter aircraft, provided less expensive public transportation is not available or appropriate;
    3. professional fees or dues that are beneficial to WNMU’s operations or mission;
    4. game admission fees and programs (athletic recruiters only);
    5. business telephone calls and/or faxes; and
    6. photocopying charges.

Under circumstances where the loss of receipts would deny reimbursement and create a hardship, an affidavit from the officer or employee attesting to the expenses may be substituted for actual receipts. The affidavit must accompany the travel voucher and include the signature of the Supervisor, Department Head or designee, VP or President or his or her designee.


  1. APPLICABILITY. Every claim for reimbursement, mileage and other reimbursable travel expenses associated with in state or out of state travel shall be made on a travel voucher. Only one voucher will be allowed for each travel request submitted. All required receipts must be affixed to an 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper and stapled to the back of the voucher.
  2. APPROVAL PROCESS. salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU must submit travel vouchers to their Supervisor, Department Head or designee for approval then forward to their corresponding Vice President or President for further approval if required. Approved travel vouchers must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Office for final approval and processing.
  3. FILING DEADLINE. Travel vouchers, supporting schedules and documents shall be filed upon completion of travel. Completed and approved travel vouchers must be submitted to the Accounts Payable Office with ample processing time, if received by Tuesday at 10:00 AM reimbursement will be processed Friday of the same week. Errors or Incomplete travel vouchers will be returned to the appropriate department, the traveler may experience a delay in reimbursement, or no reimbursement will be approved if corrections are not received timely.
  4. INFORMATION REQUIRED. Every travel voucher must contain the travel destination(s), the purpose served by the travel, the dates and hours of departure and return, itinerary when applicable, receipts, and special approvals if required, FOAP and any other pertinent information regarding the trip.
  5. SIGNATURES REQUIRED. No per diem, mileage or other expenses shall be reimbursed to any salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU unless:
    1. The public officer or employee requesting reimbursement for lodging, meals, per diem, mileage or other expenses signs the voucher certifying that all claims are true and correct;
    2. The Department Head or designee, VP or President of the salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee and student of WNMU signs the voucher approving it for payment.


WNMU promotes international travel for educational purposes for faculty, staff, and students to gain global perspectives, enhance language skills, foster cross-cultural understanding, and expand knowledge beyond the classroom. International travel includes, but is not limited to, educational exchanges, study tours, conferences, seminars, study abroad and collaborations.

  1. APPROVAL. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU must request permission prior to incurring any travel expenses either to be paid with personal funds or to be paid by WNMU, from his or her department head, designee, VP and/or President.
  2. REQUEST TO TRAVEL REQUIRED. A salaried and non-salaried public officer, employee, and student of WNMU upon receiving permission to travel internationally must follow Sections 3-10 above no less than 15 days prior to travel dates.


Travel policy rates shall become effective 01-JUL-2024.