SAEM500_Campus Video Surveillance Policy

Campus Video Surveillance Policy SAEM500 Cabinet/President Campus Police
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 SAEM500_Campus Video Surveillance Policy WEB


The purpose of the Campus Video Surveillance Policy is to provide a standardized process and transparent information regarding video surveillance at Western New Mexico University (WNMU).

The video surveillance camera system at WNMU is in place for the safety and security of students and employees and to facilitate best management purposes. This policy does not affect the Classroom Recording Policy. Although WNMU camera surveillance systems are in place, cameras are not continuously monitored in some areas.


Video cameras are strategically placed at many locations on campus, centers, or properties. Under exigent circumstances, related to the safety of students, employees, community members, and/or to WNMU property, a temporary exception may be granted for placement of surveillance cameras in a classroom. Temporary exceptions, for a limited time, can be approved by the WNMU President under these exigent circumstances. WNMU cameras are not concealed from view and do not record audio, in compliance with State and Federal law. Camouflaged or concealed video surveillance cameras may only be placed for a legitimate reason by direct request of the Chief of Campus Police and with the approval of the WNMU President.

Approval for Video Cameras:

The Department of Facilities & Operations, with collaboration with Campus Police, is responsible for the purchase and installation of all video surveillance cameras. The Department of Facilities & Operations will ensure that all video camera additions comply with internal IT requirements and follow the parameters of this policy. No one outside of the Department of Facilities & Operations, including individual divisions, departments, schools, colleges, areas, and/or employees or students, are authorized to purchase or install any surveillance cameras.

Storage and Retention of Video Recordings:

WNMU recordings will be stored for a maximum of 30 days unless recordings are retained as part of legal matters, civil or criminal, or for a bona fide reason with approval from the WNMU President. Early Childhood Programs recordings will be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks unless recordings are retained as part of legal matters, civil or criminal, or for a bona fide reason with approval from the WNMU President.

Centralized System:

Monitoring for the video surveillance system will be assigned to Campus Police as the centralized location for all monitoring. Early Childhood Programs monitors the center’s cameras. Information Technology (IT) will support and maintain the video surveillance recording for the times noted for storage. Campus Police is the only department authorized to copy or print capture video or pictures following the WNMU Video Surveillance Policy.  Early Childhood Program may copy or print capture video or pictures following the Campus Video Surveillance Policy for their center cameras only.

Access to Camera Feed and Recording:

Review of video surveillance cameras’ live feed or recorded files is restricted to personnel directly related to the area and for legitimate work-related reasons. The use of the video surveillance system and/or recording for any purpose other than legitimate work-related reasons is strictly prohibited. The video camera system may be accessed only for the following purposes:

  1. Investigation or prevention of a crime;
  2. Addressing threats to the safety of students and/or employees;
  3. Investigation of misconduct regarding students and/or employees;
  4. Support and/or review of facilities operations, construction monitoring, or maintenance of the system;
  5. In connection with pending litigation, law enforcement investigation, public records requests, or subpoenas; and
  6. Other legitimate WNMU reasons approved by the WNMU President.

LIVE CAMERA REVIEW: For safety, compliance, and security reasons, some areas or departments may have live monitoring of their facilities. These areas are the Museum, Early Childhood Center, computer testing, gym areas, and Campus Police. Access to live monitoring is restricted to those with immediate supervision of the areas.

RECORDING REVIEW: Review of recorded surveillance videos is restricted to the circumstances and approved personnel below.



Criminal or inappropriate matters: The requesting employee will have to file a Campus Police report. If Campus Police determines that an investigation is warranted, they will review the camera footage and provide appropriate information as needed. The information will remain confidential following the processes of Campus Police.

Employment related matters: The requesting employee will have to file a report or complaint with the Employee & Labor Relations Office. If the Executive Director of Employee & Labor Relations or the Vice President of Communications and Compliance (VPCC) determines that an investigation is warranted, a request for review of video surveillance footage must be submitted to Campus Police. Campus Police personnel and the Employee & Labor Relations representative will review the camera footage and provide appropriate information as needed. The information will remain confidential following the Employee & Labor Relations Office processes.

Student related items regarding student conduct: The requesting employee will have to file a report or complaint with the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (VPSAEM). If the VPSAEM determines that an investigation is warranted, a request for review of video surveillance footage must be submitted to Campus Police. Campus Police personnel and the VPSAEM representative will review the camera footage and provide appropriate information, as needed. The information will remain confidential following the Student Affairs processes.

Housing & residential Life: When the review pertains to student conduct, the Director of Housing may review the Housing and Residential Life designated areas.

Title IX or Diversity & Compliance items regarding investigations: The requesting employee will have to file a report or complaint with Office of Civil Rights & Title IX. If the Executive Director of Civil Rights or the VPCC determines that an investigation is warranted, a request for review of video surveillance footage must be submitted to Campus Police. Campus Police personnel and the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX representative will review the camera footage and provide appropriate information as needed. The information will remain confidential following the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX processes.

Early Childhood Programs: For ECP the same processes noted above will be followed, but the review will be done with the Programs Director for the Early Childhood Programs instead of Campus Police.



All requests, including from other law enforcement agencies, need to be done through the Public Records Request process. Vice President of Compliance & Communications (VPCC) will review the request and determine if an investigation is warranted. VPCC will designate who will review the cameras with Campus Police or if the review will be done by Campus Police only. This information will remain confidential following the processes for Public Records Request and Campus Police.

For subpoenas: Subpoenas should be provided to the Office of the President for processing.

For Early Childhood Programs:  The same processes noted above will be followed, but the review will be done with the Programs Director for the Early Childhood Programs instead of Campus Police.


Reference  SOP500_Campus Video Surveillance Procedures