AA311_J. Cloyd Miller Library Patron Code of Conduct Policy

J. Cloyd Miller Library Patron Code of Conduct Policy AA311 Academic Affairs Academic Affairs
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 AA311_J Cloyd Miller Library Patron Code of Conduct WEB


To provide clear expectations to library patrons about acceptable behavior at the J. Cloyd Miller Library.


The Library is committed to users’ rights to privacy and confidentiality in their library use*, the right of every library employee to work without undue interference and to support the exercise of intellectual and academic freedoms. To guarantee these rights for all library users, the following rules of conduct apply to behavior on Library property. Library patrons may not engage in illegal activities or activities prohibited by Western New Mexico University (WNMU).



Any person at any WNMU premises or WNMU activities, including but not limited to parents, members of the community, invited guests, speakers, future or prospective students, and/or family members.

Library Employee

Any library staff, library student worker, university affiliate, or any other employee (staff, faculty, or adjunct) or contracted individual assisting with WNMU activities

WNMU Activities

WNMU Activities include sponsored or approved activities, events, or functions on or off WNMU premises where employees, student workers, contractors/subcontractors, and university affiliates are under the jurisdiction of WNMU, or during any period of time WNMU employees are supervising students on behalf of WNMU or are otherwise engaged in WNMU business.

Code of Conduct

WNMU encourages all visitors to (this list is not all inclusive):

  • Respect the opinions of others and engage in constructive discussion even when those opinions may differ from your own.
  • Be kind and considerate to one another at WNMU premises or WNMU activities.
  • Act in a manner that will help ensure a welcoming environment to our students, employees, and other visitors.
  • Be mindful not to disrupt classes, workshops, events, or WNMU activities.
  • Refrain from using slurs or derogatory language of any kind, and from engaging in unacceptable behaviors such as verbal and physical harassment.
  • Follow directives and guidance regarding safety and security from employees and/or Campus Police.
  • Refrain from interfering with the freedom of expression, movement, or activity of others.
  • Follow instructions to leave WNMU premises when requested to do so by an employee or Campus Police Officer.
  • Follow posted signs for restricted areas, hours of operations and closures, and restricted behavior.
  • Follow all federal and state laws and WNMU policies while on WNMU premises or at WNMU activities.

Prohibited Activities at the Library

  • Violation of any WNMU behavior policy, such as the WNMU Weapons Policy, Drug and Alcohol Policy, Visitor Code of Conduct, Pets on University Property, Acceptable Use of Computing Resources Policy, etc.;
  • Using tobacco or tobacco related products in the Library;
  • Stealing, damaging, destroying Library property or otherwise intentionally preventing other patrons from accessing library materials;
  • Unauthorized selling of goods, services, or soliciting donations within the Library;
  • Unnecessarily disturbing or creating an environment of harassment to others;
  • Exhibiting inappropriate sexual behavior or abusing Library staff or patrons;
  • Inappropriate use of computer resources and / or internet access which includes, but is not limited to illegal activities, activities intended to harass other patrons or employees, downloading software onto library computers, introducing malicious programs onto the WNMU network or equipment, or activities which create a hostile environment for employees or other patrons
  • Bringing animals or vehicles into the Library, except as required under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA);
  • Leaving children under the age of 16 unattended, except for students currently enrolled in WNMU’s dual credit or regular college course programs;
  • Causing excessive noise;
  • Using library facilities for activities other than their intended purpose (i.e., bathing in library restrooms, sleeping in the library, engaging in horseplay, etc.);
  • Entering non-public areas, such as staff workrooms, offices, or storage areas;
  • Posing a sanitary, health, or safety risk to self or others;
  • Failing to leave the Library at closing time;
  • Taking Library materials outside the Library without authorization by Library personnel and without following the established lending procedures.

Any person who violates the Visitor Code of Conduct may be subject to warning, denial of future WNMU employment opportunities or admission to our programs, school/colleges, or training opportunities, removal from campus, arrest, or a no-trespass order for a set time or permanently, from WNMU premises or activities. For the appeals procedure, please see the Visitors Code of Conduct policy.

*from The Library Bill of Rights, adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948, February 2, 1961, June 23, 1980, January 29, 2019.