BOR113_Shared Governance Policy

Shared Governance Policy BOR113 Board of Regents Board of Regents
01-JUL-2024 01 01-JUL-2024 BOR113_Shared Governance WEB


The purpose of this statement is to clarify relationships between the Regents and the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students of the University.

Ref: Chapter 1.5 in the Board of Regents Manual.


Management and control of the University are vested in the Regents.   Inevitably, the responsibilities of the Regents must be delegated, and so is much of their authority to govern the affairs of the institution subject to overall policy which they establish.

As limited by the applicable law, these policies, and other actions of the Regents, the Board recognizes and approves:

  1. The authority and responsibility of the University President and Administration in all matters relating to the operation of the University;
  2. The authority and responsibility of the Faculty, in cooperation with Administration, to set educational policies, to screen faculty personnel, and in general, to deal with all matters relating to teaching and research; and
  3. The rights and responsibility of the Students of the University to provide for their own self-government with authority in the affairs of the student community.

There presently exist adequate procedures for determining most matters affecting University operation. In order that the University may function properly under the authority of those in direct charge of its activities, the Regents ordinarily will not interfere with actions of the Administration, the Faculty, Staff, or Student Government.

The Regents cannot, however, ignore the responsibilities of management and control vested in them by the Constitution and laws of the State of New Mexico.  Thus, they reserve unto themselves the right to consider and determine, if deemed necessary, any matter relating to the University.

Policy Statement

The administration and the Faculty, Staff, and Student governments, will share responsibility for specific functions. Shared governance requires that all levels (administration and the Faculty, Staff, and Student governments) work together towards a mutual goal by sharing ideas and receiving feedback. Shared governance is dependent on this working model of shared responsibility. Without collaboration, there is no shared governance. Shared governance does not imply full decision making from all levels for all actions. Instead, it provides for transparency and communication throughout processes and the ability to provide feedback.